(a closed fist), "paper" (a flat hand), and "scissors" (a fist with the index finger and middle finger extended, forming a V). A simultaneous, zero-sum game, it has only two possible outcomes: a draw, or a win for one player and a loss for the other.

The player who plays with rock will beat another player who has chosen scissors ("rock crushes scissors"), but will lose to one who has played paper ("paper covers rock"); who plays with paper will lose to scissors ("scissors cuts paper"). If both players choose the same shape, it ties the game.'; $voltar_jogo = "Back to Game"; $calculadora = "Calculator"; $deseja_salvar = "Want to save your records? So "; $novo_jogo = "New Game"; $pontos_pala = "Points"; $acabou_jogo = "The Game is over, you lose all of your points"; $ou_faca = ", or"; $vitorias = "Victories"; $derrotas = "Defeats"; $empates = "Ties"; $resultado = "Result"; $calculo = "Calculation"; $calculadora_info = "Calculator developed in PHP/HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Makes only basic calculations."; $role_os_dados = "Roll the Dice"; $role_os_dados_info = "A game that wins who gets the highest number, developed in PHP / HTML / CSS / SQL."; $regras_rd = 'Roll the Dice is a game of luck, played between 2 players, where whoever gets the most in the dice wins. In this game I created, only 2 dice are played, 1 for each player, and whoever gets the highest number wins, and if both players roll the same number will be considered tied and a new roll will be needed to define who is the winner.

When we play the dice at home, we consider it the number that drops up, but here in the game I will show the number facing to the screen, let’s take the example of the number 6, which will be shown like this:

As you can see from the example above, the number 6 is lighter than the rest of the die and also it’s facing the screen, making it easier to see the number left in the die. This is a single winner game, it has only two possible outcomes: a draw or a win by one of the players.'; $euromilhoes = "EuroMilions"; $euromilhoes_info = "Randomly generate 5 numbers and 2 stars to play in EuroMillions, try your luck. This project was developed in PHP/HTML/CSS."; $numeros_pal = "Numbers"; $estrelas_pal = "Stars"; $gerar_outro_jogo = "Generate Another Game"; $fim_de_jogo = "Game Over"; $jogo_da_velha = "Tic Tac Toe"; $limpar = "Clean"; $tetris = "Tetris"; $tetris_info = "A famous classic game that spans generations and is still widely played. Access and enjoy an excellent pastime."; $corrida = "Changing Lanes"; $corrida_info = "A simple game develeped in HTML/CSS/JavaScript. reace this car and try to change lanes without crash."; $concentracao = "Simon Says"; $concentracao_info = "Let's see how high you can go, in this addictive game you are challenged to remember a sequence of colors."; ?> SCAdm - Daniel Caetano


diff($dataAtual); // Calcula a diferença entre as datas $dias = $diferenca->days;// Calcula a diferença em dias // Calculamos os incrementos $clientes = floor($dias / 20); // +1 cliente a cada 7 dias $emails = 21 * $dias; // +11 emails a cada dia $cafes = 2 * $dias; // +2 cafés a cada dia $projetos = $diferenca->m + ($diferenca->y * 12); // +1 projeto a cada mês // Função para simplificar os números function simplificarNumero($numero) { if ($numero < 1000) { return $numero; } else if ($numero < 1000000) { return round($numero / 1000, 1) . 'K'; } else { return round($numero / 1000000, 1) . 'M'; } } // Aplicar a simplificação $clientes = simplificarNumero($clientes); $emails = simplificarNumero($emails); $cafes = simplificarNumero($cafes); $projetos = simplificarNumero($projetos); ?>

Daniel Caetano

+351 913 856 513



Lisboa - Portugal